Write an Email to your Father for sending some money -- Email

Write an Email to your Father for sending some money -- Email 

Father for sending some money, email

From : Sunil Roy - sunilroy586@gmail.com
To : Suman Roy - sumanraysm1@gmail.com
Send : 09/01/ 2019
Subject : Father for sending some money

Dear Father,
                     I am very glad to learn from your letter that you are all well in the family. The result of my test examination has been published. I have stood first in the test examination. My Teachers have suggested to purchase some importance books. I also feel necessity of those books. They will cost about 2000 TK. Please send me the money with best regarst  to you and love to all.
Write an Email to your Father for sending some money -- Email Write an Email to your Father for sending some money -- Email Reviewed by Unknown on January 09, 2019 Rating: 5


  1. বানান ভুল regards আপনি দিসেন regarst

  2. It is very helpful to us for class6
    .Thank you.

  3. It feels very good to write in very short and simple language

  4. My name's Durjoy and my numbers 01872814591Iam from Bangladesh


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